Thursday, November 30, 2000

My dear sweet friend Esther wrote her way cute friend Ericson and asked him to check out my site. Next thing I know I've received an incredibly nice email saying how he loved my site, its interface, and how he disassembled my HTML and loved that I practice clean coding. He then gives me lots of wonderful suggestions on fixing the problems. Very sweet. If only I had a clue as to what he was saying or anything else he was talking about for that matter. My friend Jessie put my site together, and I gather practices clean coding; I don't even know what that means. I wish I wasn't so dumb when it came to this kind of stuff. I'm trying to learn, but I feel as if I'm 10 years behind and everybody just smiles at me and enjoys the fact that they know and I don't. I've got to take some time off from work or something and just sit down and learn all this computer stuff so that I can be a part of society. I feel so dumb sometimes (and then I try and remind myself that I do have a master's degree, so I can't be that dumb.) Oh well, I'm rambling. The point of this whole post today is that Esther's friend Ericson is way cute. ;-)


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