Wednesday, December 20, 2000

"Lessons learned from a trip to Zihuatenejo": 1) I love living without shoes; 2) I can travel to a sunny resort and not get sunburned; 3) Pozole is my new favorite Mexican dish; 4) Zihuatenejo is an amazingly beautiful place; 5) I love leaving my feet buried in warm sand; 6) the term "gay" is apparently universal in any language; 7) sex (male and female) can be bought anywhere, even in a small Mexican fishing village (not that I did, I'm just saying it was available); 8) Americans take a lot for granted, in so much as having running water, technology, electricity, clean shelter, etc.; 9) I love taking a vacation from such things as computers, cell phones, newspapers, especially when everything is about a fradulent new president; 10) Mi espanol esta bien (my Spanish is not as great as I would like, but I was completely amazed by how much my past Spanish, which I haven't spoken in years, came flooding back to the front of my brain. I was having complete conversations with local Mexicans who spoke no English at all. I'm very proud of myself.); 11) Quiero un clase de espanol ahora; 12) I greatly needed a vacation to take me away from town for awhile; 13) If you go to Zihuatanejo, Mexico, definitely splurge and stay at Hotel Villa del Sol on La Playa de Ropa because it's such a gorgeous resort on an incredibly beautiful beach; 14) I want to travel around the world more in the future; 15) I need a passport.


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