Friday, December 22, 2000

So, tell me, what should I do? There's this really cute guy who works in the office next door to mine. For the last few months we've been saying hi to each other in the hallway. Lately it's been a little more than hi. Today he came into my office to borrow something and we ended up chatting for, like, half an hour. He's gay; he's cute; he's very intelligent. But for some reason I'm scared to death of asking him out. I mean, it is my office building (even though he's not in my office). Besides, why would he want anything to do with me? I'm all fat and unattractive these days anyway. He's probably just talking to me because there's nothing else to do. Yeah, that's it. So your advice is to simply not talk to him and continue to self-loathe. Ok, got it. Unless, you have a different plan for me. Do you?


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