Wednesday, January 17, 2001

I've been trying to catch the all-day hearings on John Ashcroft's nomination to Attorney General yesterday and today. It's incredibly bizarre. Since when is it that we need to rediscuss the Civil War and the South's perspective? Also, I have a particular bone to pick with Senator Bob Smith (Republican of New Hampshire) now. He was commending Ashcroft for his grace and respect and such for shutting down his campaign for a week after his opponent (Governor Mel Carnahan) died three weeks before the election so that he, his campaign, and the state of Missouri could mourn and reflect. Then Senator Smith had the gall to say that while he had the respect and interest of everyone in mind, his opponents were out gearing up to defeat him in the November election. Yeah, I think that's what we were doing: "gearing." I think that's what Mrs. Carnahan had in mind when her husband and son died. She was "gearing up" to defeat Ashcroft in the election. We all went through a terrible and tremendously sad episode and no one was "gearing." We were too busy crying.


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