Friday, February 23, 2001

The ironic thing about this rerouted/canceled flight I had yesterday is that it is actually reminiscent of another flight I had a few years ago up the East Coast. It was Thanksgiving weekend of 1996 and I was flying from DC to New Hampshire to meet up with my then boyfriend, where he went to school at Dartmouth, to spend the holiday weekend. They flew me from DC to NYC and then couldn't fly me to NH because of a winter storm. It was so depressing and complicated because I was so looking forward to seeing my boyfriend that weekend after months of inability due to our long distance relationship, and here I was stuck in the middle of NYC for the night. I did manage the fly the next morning to NH and spend the weekend with him. I guess it's ironic that on my current return to the East Coast I would have a similar experience trying to fly up the coast.


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