Oh good, just in time for Valentine's Day, my latest issue of the Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue has arrived. You see, that catalogue has a bit of personal history for me. Let me explain.
I haven't told many people this, but during the year that my ex and I were dating...... well,... he never gave me anything, like a gift or a card or anything. Not for my birthday. Not for Valentine's Day. Not for Christmas or holidays or "just because." Nothing. Nada. I never said anything to him or to anyone, even though it bothered me. Then, on our one-year anniversary, we had a horrendous, disgusting, heart-renching breakup.
Later that year, at Christmastime, a package from Abercrombie and Fitch arrived at my door. He had sent me an all-wool sweater. No note, no letter, no call; we hadn't spoken in months. Just a sweater. A sweater that was not my size. A sweater that all-wool and I don't like all-wool. A gift. A gift without any meaning. If I had received it at anytime during our relationship it would have meant the world. But, now, it had no meaning.
So, now, the Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue haunts me. I've never purchased anything from them. I've never given them my address or many changes of address. Yet, somehow, they always track me down and send me their catalogue. And, now, I've received it yet again, just in time for Valentine's Day. Lucky, lucky me.
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