Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Take a look at this! Remind yourself that the majority of Americans voted for Gore last November. Remind yourself that Bush did not get the popular vote. Remind yourself that Bush barely, and questionably, got the electoral vote (and by one only vote above the needed 270).

Now, why is it that Bush seems to be acting as if he has this huge mandate to do anything and everything he and his right-wing cronies want? Why is it that every day you read the paper another outlandish and out-of-the-mainstream assault has been inflicted upon us? Why is it that everyone seems to have just given up and is allowing our country to be pulled further and further to the right even though the majority of Americans voted against just that in the last election? Why is it that I seem to be having feelings of dread and giving up as well?

Take a look again at this election outcome and remind yourself of how Americans truly feel about where we want the country to go. Remind yourself that Bush does not have a mandate and was supposedly going to bring the country back together again. Remind yourself that we must be ever more vigilant in reminding everyone that Bush has no mandate to do anything. Remind yourself that the majority of the country and the voters is behind you!


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