Friday, July 20, 2001

I have had it up to here with all this media exploitation. Has anyone seen Network?

"How far will television go in covering the Chandra Levy saga? Here, courtesy of Hotline, is an excerpt from Fox's "The Edge with Paula Zahn":

Sylvia Browne, on where police should look: "If I were to take a helicopter straight up and look at this par, which makes sort of a square – if I were facing west, there's a marshy area. There are some trees down in a marshy area. . . . This is where the body is. This girl is not alive."
Zahn: "How do you know this, Sylvia?"
Browne: "Because I am a psychic. I know she is there."

And – this just in – the television show "Extra" will air an interview on the Levy case by that Other Famous Intern, chatting up Monica Lewinsky herself.

This morning, in fact, CNN carried a live shot:
"REP. CONDIT ATTENDS AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE HEARING." And Gary Condit was, well, just sitting there.


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