Is there no end to it?!?
For those of you who have walked around downtown San Francisco you've probably noticed the strange and very consistent protester that's become a bit of an icon around San Francisco. If you don't know who I'm referring to then just bear with me.
He's this one-man-band protesting machine. Wearing a weathered suit, dark sunglasses, and disheveled hair he walks around downtown constantly carrying his home-made sign of protest. Previously it used to specifically say to impeach Clinton, but then after the last election it has also said to impeach Bush. Besides that slogan it always includes some nonsensical jibberish about impeaching the galaxies and something about UFO's. It's all very unclear and totally out of this world. He's become a favorite for local San Franciscans around Halloween and for other party jokes. However, regardless of whatever he is protesting he is at least persistent and constant.
So today I'm walking around downtown and as usual he is too. Everything's the same: the suit, the sunglasses, the hair, the sign. Except once he passes me, I turn around and look to see the other side of his sign and I stop right in my tracks. It's an advertisement! An advertisement for PIZZA!! A specially made, glossy advertisement plastered onto his sign! It says (paraphrasing), "There's no need to impeach Quizona's* pizza. It's too damn good! All of the galaxies agree."
What the hell?!? Is there no end to the placement of advertising in this world? How did he end up with an advertisement on his sign? What the hell?!? I will no longer be surprised by anything ever again.
*Quizona is not the actual name of the independent pizza place, I just can't remember the name exactly.
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