Monday, July 16, 2001

There was a terrific article in the Sunday paper yesterday about very young boys (say ages 3-6) and how sometimes they like to dress up like girls. Sadly, very sadly, I cannot find that article on line anywhere because I wanted to share it with you. It really connected with me a lot.

When I was that age I always wanted to twirl in a dress and would turn my Superman cape into a skirt. It was really just harmless fun. My parents ended up taking me to a psychiatrist (funny, I can't remember that) who said I was just excited about my newborn baby sister.

They were worried I might turn out gay. Whew! They must be so relieved now. Heh. Anyway, the article brought back memories of childhood. If you haven't seen the French movie Ma vie en rose "My life in pink" you should rent it. It's a wonderful, beautiful movie about a little boy who wants to dress in girls' clothing and doesn't see why the grown-ups are so upset about it. It really is an amazing movie and has a lot of the ideas that were in that article. If I find the article online in the future I will definitely post it for you.


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