Sunday, November 18, 2001

An update from that great Woman of the World Leslie from her standpoint of an American Peace Corps volunteer currently stationed in Jordan:

"It has been a a while since I sent a group email so I thought I would up date all of you on what's going on here in Jordan. I can not complain. Life is pretty good, though I have days when I question everything and wonder what life is really about because let me tell you here in Jordan they think in such a different way. There are hardly any women on the street walking around. The young men seem to think that they control everything, well I guess they do. There was an article in the paper the other day about how all the women traffic officers in Amman were pulled off the street to reevaluate their "qualifications". The women were assigned their jobs in Feb. I guess 9 months of women traffic officers was to overwhelming for Jordanian men. I can't really complain about the womens issues because the fact is that I live in Aqaba and feel slightly more lucky than other volunteers because I actually get to walk around after dark. It is crazy here. I guess thats why I like it. Jordan is challenging me in so many ways and I am learning so much everyday.

On a lighter note, my job is going well. I am working on a new project to help create income generating projects for women. My home is settled and today I went to Petra! It was by far one of the most amazing and beautiful places I have ever been. I flip flop everyday on whether we will be evacted or not, today I think we will serve the whole two years. I hope I get to stay, I still have so much more to learn. I hope all of you are doing well."


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