I don't know the answer to homelessness; I really don't. There's so many issues and concerns. But I must say that so much that is discussed in the public policy arena about homelessness in San Francisco is such a bunch of hotair and grandstanding. If only they really could stop all of the public urination and defacation in the City. What a day that would be!
One day about a year or so ago Jessie and I were walking around our neighborhood in a busy business-district area and this guy starts pulling down his pants and begins to crap against the wall of a store. I'm not sure how much more gross or disgusting one can get. That image will unfortunately never leave my mind. Another image that will never leave it is the one I spoke about a while back regarding the father holding his 2-3 year old child, while he peed at the bus stop. There really begins to be a lack of respect and public decency after a while.
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