Wednesday, January 23, 2002

So I'm stepping onto the bus this morning to go to work and as soon as I get on this guy is staring at me. Now, this is some model-type guy. The type of guy that is way out of my league, actually most people's leagues. He's the kind of guy in magazines and stuff.

Anyway, he staring at me and I'm thinking that maybe I have something on my face or something else inappropriate. I go and sit down slightly across and behind him. He keeps looking over ocassionally. I keep wondering what's going on, although I promptly go into reading my paper.

Does he not see how hideous and fat and blase I am? What's wrong with him? So finally near the end of the busride he looks over quite directly, but this time he catches me blowing my nose which apparently made him sense reality and he no longer seemed to have any interest. Do I know how to handle men or what? Just as well, if he really was interested in me he must be absolutely crazy.


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