Monday, January 07, 2002

When you do a sequel, it's a little more of a guarantee because you've already got a title that people are familiar with....People will say, 'How unoriginal,' but in reality, this is a business, and if you have something you're relatively sure will work, you should do it.

With that brilliant thinking is it any wonder why more and more people are excusing themselves from the drivel that Hollywood creates and heading to the independent movie houses where films of interest and thought and creativity and originality are playing? Is it any wonder why Hollywood movies seem to disappear after a highly-promoted weekend opening only to be relegated to the status of also-ran? And the upcoming movies of 2002 that they list in this article just look like one big horrible crap-fest. Do they even care about what they're making anymore?

Speaking of how bad Hollywood is: 'NSync guest-stars in Star Wars? Not that I care one whit about the new Star Wars crap-fest.


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