Everything's coming up PORN..... what with tv shows, new theaters, the internet, and now the new gay center in town will be named after the founder of a gay porn studio.
Side note: I am so angered by that latter announcement. Regardless of the porn aspect, the fact that they've determined that the name of the center belongs to the highest bidder is beyond appalling. They could have very easily kept it as "The Center" or named it after one of many important historical members of our community who's contribution was helping to enrich our freedoms. To name it after a porn manufacturer solely because his estate gave a million dollars leads me to believe that those running the Center have lost touch with the fact that the Center was supposed to be a place for all-comers to mingle, work together, and build ourselves up-- not just a rich-boys club! And another thing.... (don't get me started on this subject, I'm just too too mad.)
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