Thursday, June 13, 2002

Where are all of the good movies in the world? They're certainly not at your major movie complex. They're being smuggled out of China and only play once in a little festival in a little theater. Ok, well, make that a big festival in a big theater, but still. The point is that everyday Hollywood movies suck. And the real movies that know how to move you and tell a intricate story that feels realistic are little independent movies that were made of love and sweat and tears.

Randomly, I ended up in a seat next to Nathan (thank you Nathan!) at the Castro Theatre for the opening night program of this year's Queer Film Fest and got to see the most wonderful movie. Lovers find each other; lovers love; lovers break each other's hearts; lovers get back together; lovers die. Such is life and such is the story of an amazingly shot and framed movie. I'm so glad I saw it and so glad I was there. Thanks again Nathan, especially for reminding me that Hollywood crapfests are just full of crap and that really good, non-crap movies do still exist.


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