Friday, September 27, 2002

Anyone need a massage? Several years ago, after coming to terms with my OCD diagnosis and realizing I needed to relax, I found the wonderful world of massage. I never had had one before-- part fear, partly because I didn't think I deserved to treat myself well, part who knows. Massage unfortunately has this bad rap sometimes because it's often closely associated with another world I'll leave nameless for now, but massage is truly a very important and legitimate piece of one's well-being.

My very first massage ever was the most amazing experience. I was here in San Francisco on vacation (before having moved here) and I found Kealoha. I had no idea what to expect and was overwhelmed by how amazing it felt. I still go to see Kealoha every once in a while and it really helps, especially with my ongoing neck problems. Another great guy I found in the Bay Area is Mel who gave a tremendous massage to me about 2 years ago and then I lost track of him. I recently found him again and I'm looking forward to seeing him again.

Now, mind you, while these guys are both obviously HOT, they are legitimate masseurs (don't you be thinking nothing else), and both very, very nice and welcoming guys. So if you're in the Bay Area, I would encourage you to treat yourself, give yourself a break, and relax for an hour or two and let them help you unwind. They're webpages have contact info. Tell 'em Reese sent you. ;-)


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