Thursday, September 12, 2002

No Moment for Silence continued...

Now, take the next steps! Get involved for the November election.
1) Register to Vote (or re-register if you've moved). The prior link provides helpful information and also directs you to every state's elections department. Additionally, you can always simply call your city/county board of elections (in the blue pages of your phone book or find their webpage with registration information via any search engine, i.e. Google) and find out where you can register nearest you or what to do. ************It's important to do this sooner rather than later, as many states require registration a month in advance of an election. So make sure you're registered now, during this month of September.
2) Tell a friend. Make sure your friends, family members, and coworkers are registered to vote. Remind them of the importance. Feel free to forward this message, the links above or the information about voting to them.
3) Find Out Who & What You're Voting On In Your Area. There are also many other ways to find out this information. The best source is definitely the city/county election board and many of them have sample ballots on their websites or which can be mailed to you.
4) Learn about the issues and the candidates. The information is out there: in the newspaper, in the library, on the internet, via interested organizations, and so forth. You have almost two months to make these critical decisions on the direction of the country.

It may seem overwhelming, but you're taking part in your democracy. Think of all the people now and throughout the ages who never had the ability or the right to make any decisions about their government. Remember them and their sacrifices for democracy when you're claiming your right to vote.


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