Three years ago. Three years ago at this time I moved into my apartment in San Francisco. My first real space here after moving around tentative location after tentative location. Three years ago I met Jessie as we both moved in to the same apartment building on the same weekend. Three years ago seems so long and yet it feels like only a short time in hindsight.
Three years has produced a great friendship, a pretty-cool apartment, two different jobs, my very first computer, my own website, internet friendships through said site, a cat, a weight gain and loss, the last of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, a overhyped and underwhelming millenium, a horrendous presidential election, a September 11th no one could have imagined and we all wish was just a fake memory, a complete change in political atmosphere and fears of terrorism and loss of civil rights, a continued love for the City and its weather and its openness, a great personal growth, a conquering of my OCD, a fall into depression, a conquering of my depression, new clothes, new glasses, new ideas, new perspectives, new health, new music, new loves, new dates, new hopes, and a realization that life continues on and on and on.... Here's to year four and the great things that will come to pass.
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