Friday, December 27, 2002

I'm sick sick sick and I hate it hate it hate it. (My mother agrees and is sick too. My father agrees and is sick too.)

I also hate the fact that I can't get any real news here since the local papers suck-- I tried reading the KC Star today and it was useless to learn about anything since every article in the paper was "news in brief" and "brief" it was. No wonder no one knows what's going on out there. I tried finding a national paper like the New York Times or the Washington Post but couldn't find them sold anywhere. That leaves the TV news-- help, stop, I can't stand that. Ugh. Again, no wonder no one knows what's happening. The San Francisco Chronicle isn't the best out there, but at least it keeps me informed for the most part. I must learn to appreciate it much more next time I'm back home there.

And finally, there's the great bastion of the internet except that the computer here at my parents' still runs really slow and I can't really open more than one window at a time. It's much better than it used to be, but it's still a major test in patience. So what am I left with? I'm sick sick sick and I hate it hate it hate it.

BUT, I am having a great time with my family who's taking good care of me and giving me lots of hugs. ;-)


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