Couple of very good articles on the upcoming anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling. I know this may all seem so overwhelming: all the articles, activities, and links I'm pointing out. But this is a major historical event-- it's the 30th Anniversary of one of our rights being found constitutional and with that furthering the cause for the right to privacy concerns. Now, I know it's a lot to read and all, but this right, this legal right, is under attack like never before and now is the time to learn more about it, learn more about the assaults against our rights, to talk with others about this, and to take action.
Safeguard your rights now, for they may one day be gone. As the following article, which I strongly encourage you to read, perfectly illustrates, the assault is on and in full force and the details of the assault are through stealth tactics that will chip away and chip away until the right is gone or impossible to access, i.e. The fate of women's reproductive rights in the Bush administration conjures up the image of Gulliver among the Lilliputians. With Roe too venerable to slay, given the current make-up of the Supreme Court, the Bush administration seeks instead to incapacitate. The entanglements come in the guise of gag orders, executive directives, regulatory restrictions, judicial nominations, political appointments to scientific advisory boards and linguistic and definitional shenanigans. Viewed as a whole, they pose the most serious threat to reproductive freedom in decades.
Additionally, the New York Times did a lengthy anniversary piece, attempting to balance the perspectives, but which gives a good sense of how legislative matters do translate to everyday lives: If they really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, they would work with us to make sure everyone has real access to family planning and real sex education. It is about more than abortion. It really comes down to whether women will have an equal place at life's table, whether we value children enough that we want them to be planned and wanted and cared for.
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