Wednesday, January 08, 2003

For those who think that political decisions don't have consequences:

One interesting aspect of the Seriously Dumb Tax Cut we are watching develop in Washington is that we are simultaneously witnessing the effects of Seriously Dumb Tax Cuts at the state level.

The states are plotzing right and left, caught in hideous binds -- whether it is better to release dangerous prisoners or cut back the schools, cut back health care for kids or nursing homes for old folks.

Next time you wonder why the schools have no money or why a dangerous convicted criminal isn't serving their full sentence or why there aren't any good child care opportunities or why our roads aren't fixed or why you don't have better-- or even proper or basic-- health care, think back to the fact that taxes are used for the public good.

By the way, where's that $300 tax "rebate" now? And how much are you getting nowadays, whereas the wealthy are still reeling in the breaks daily....


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