Friday, February 21, 2003


Japanese Americans were not placed in concentration camps for their own safety, they were surrounded by barbed wire in the most desolate areas of the country. The guns of the guard pointed into the camps, not outside. And to imprison innocent people because they are threatened by criminals is utterly nonsensical....

"It’s interesting that nobody from the Republican leadership has said anything" to refute, discourage, or distance themselves from his comments. It says something about the way right-wing Republicans are thinking about who's fully American or not and what they may want to do about that in the future. Remember, history repeats itself all the time.

And here's a good article on the judicial aspects of the Internment camps, that they were unconsciously approved by the courts, and those rulings are still alive and considered precedent-- they've never been overturned. According to the Supreme Court decision regarding my race, being an American citizen was not enough. They say you have to look like one, otherwise they say you can't tell a difference between a loyal and a disloyal American.... any American citizen can be held in prison or concentration camps without a trial or a hearing. That is if they look like the enemy of our country.

And how is "enemy" defined? Who's the "enemy" yesterday, today or tomorrow? What's the "war" and is it just military or could it be a "enemy" in health, financial security, 'traditional values,' political speech/thoughts? It's all a slippery slope and very, very dangerous.


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