Monday, March 03, 2003


I still am in complete awe that they are seriously talking about this type of intrusive data-collection of airline passengers. In these days of airlines going bankrupt left and right, this type of screening and mass blacklisting only creates more panic and less interest in everyday people to fly anywhere. So much for the future of the airline industry and the tourism industry.

This system threatens to create a permanent blacklisted underclass of Americans who cannot travel freely. Unfortunately, history suggests that the government will be capricious, unfair and politically biased in deciding who to stamp as suspect. Anyone could get caught up in this system, with no way to get out....
CAPPS II would not allow innocent Americans to see the information that such a designation was based on, would not permit them a meaningful way to appeal, and would not reveal the criteria on which such judgments were based so they could avoid suspicion in the future. In fact, individuals would not even have the right to confirm how they have been labeled.... won't be limited to air transportation for very long.


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