Monday, April 07, 2003

File this one under the category of never-good-enough-for-them. It would seem that, as expected, the stupid Green party that partially cost us the election against Bush in 2000, is now going to run someone against Senator Boxer because she's simply not "liberal" enough for them. Well, duh, no Democrat is ever good enough for them, no matter how liberal. That's why they're a separate party and they don't care about the outcome except to strengthen their own insipid, self-righteous, excessive causes. It doesn't matter to them that this could hurt the chances of keeping the "most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate" (according to those politicos who rate these things) because it's all about them and not the fight against the right-wing. I'll be volunteering even more for Boxer in the coming year to put an end to this Green nonsense. 'Nuff said.


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