Sunday, April 13, 2003

Leslie, that great Woman of the World, sends us another report from her Kenya Peace Corps assignment:

"This last month has been so crazy!!! I think I am on one giant emotional roller-coaster! I have finally settled down here in Mombasa and have begun to look at the positive side of life here. My job is great, which keeps me motivated to stay. Each time I visit the island I work on I am reinspired to work here. It is fantastic, time stops when you step off the boat onto the coral lined shores. The women are motivated and so friendly and our relationship is constantly growing. There is peace and tranquility in the air on Wasini. It is wonderful to feel so relaxed, especially with all the news about the war.

"Speaking of war..... It is almost surreal to me with the video game/super bowl type of reporting that is going on. The insanity of the war is enough to cope with, the last thing I need is a play by play one-sided account of what's taking place. Does anyone know what is really going on?? It may sound crazy but I kinda wish I was back in Jordan, I would like to know how the people living in the area really feel about the war and about everything that is being played out in the region. Not to mention that aljizera is shown there. Right now I only receive the BBC and CNN.

"Here things are really calm, though the US government seems to think that there is a big threat here. I haven't experienced any anti American sentiment. There was one protest in Mombasa, one in Nairobi and one day of fasting. All the protests have been peaceful, the protests in Australia expressed more anger than those here. I don't hang around the Mosques on Fridays after 12, but I do still live my life according to plan. Peace Corps was a bit afraid for our safety in the start of the war so they pulled us coasters inland to Naivasha, where my training was. Nice little vacation up country for a few weeks, hey its uncle Sam's dime so why not. I felt that it was a little over the top but I guess there was certain inteligence that prompted PC to act accordingly.

"They finally sent us home a week ago. It really feels like home here now. The only thing our little vaykay did for me was to give me an appreciation for where I live. It really is so beautiful on the coast, though it is so so hot right now. The rains are coming (yahoo!!!) so hopefully things will cool down. I get to go back up to Naivasha for three weeks of training.. keribu cold weather!! So I am on the move yet again!

"I saw a baby giraffe the other day, it was so cute!! It couldn't stand very well so it just kinda did the splits. I think I have been doing the same thing only now I seem to have one foot on the ground.

"Hope you are all doing well!
Take care,


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