Friday, May 02, 2003

I suck at meeting people socially, without some type of context, like at parties or something. I never know what to say to people. Parties never give me enough context because I keep thinking while I'm there "why am I here?" "who are these people?" "who am I and what face should I put on?" and so forth. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's me and I don't make sense.

So it is with that personal milieu that I hesitated initially at meeting up with four fellow bloggers who I know nothing about last night for dinner. Jeff was visiting town last night from his home in St. Louis and asked if I would join him and some others he wanted to meet in person for dinner. The others were very nice fellows with beautiful smiles: Vince, Chad, and Michael. It's this whole blogging community that I hadn't met before and made me think, "just how many gay bloggers are there out there-- there must be millions." Anyway, I had a good time and made it through without feeling too panic-stricken. I should get out more often.


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