We in the United States believe that we are at the forefront of representative democracy. The reality is that we were the cutting edge in 1789 and are way behind the curve now.
Imagine, if as in many democratic nations of today, we had a government that was operated by a coalition of all the proportions within an election. For instance, instead of the 50.1% winner-take-all scenario we have now, we would have a government where the 49.9% got 49% of the power and the 50.1% got 51% of the power. They would have to work together and compromise and move forward. There would not be a factor of never hearing or listening to the 49.9% of the population again. Plus this would augment third-parties and fourth-parties as they may be able to attrack 10% or so which would allow their voices to be heard in the halls of government, rather than always being on the sidelines. Just some thoughts. Could it work? It can and does in other countries. But I don't see it ever gaining momentum here anytime soon. But just so we all know there are options out there for other types of representation.
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