Strong excerpts from a positive article in amongst the rubble of life:
Activism is not a journey to the corner store; it is a plunge into the dark.... Joy is one of our weapons and one of our victories....
Holding that anything less than total victory is failure, as grumpy perfectionists do, is a premise that makes it easy to give up at the start or to disparage the victories that are possible. This is Earth. It will never be heaven. There will always be cruelty, violence, destruction. In the time it takes you to read this, acres of rain forest will vanish, a species will go extinct, women will be raped, men shot, and far too many children will die of easily preventable causes. We cannot eliminate all devastation for all time, but we can reduce it, outlaw it, undermine its source and foundation: These are victories....
I'm hopeful, partly because we don't know what is going to happen in that dark future, and we might as well live according to our principles as long as we're here. Hope, the opposite of fear, lets us do that.
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