This is a great rally cry, very right on, but, um, where's the ending? It just kinda trails off at the end. Regardless, great points and information. Here's some strong excerpts:
Do you want a different President in 2004? I'm asking this as a serious question, not a rhetorical one. Do you want it badly enough to actually do what is necessary to win the election that will take place just 17 months from now?...
[Nuns, Progressive Activists, Anti-War Protesters] wanted to know what could be done to change the state of affairs. I said I though someone needed to take voter registration forms to every meeting and demonstration and get people fired up to vote. They said that would be hard. Why? Because people were fed up with the Democrats. I said, then they are going to have to GET OVER IT, and you are going to have to help them. Because like it or not, either George Bush or the Democratic nominee, whoever he may be, will be our next President.
All of you know who I'm talking about; I may be talking about you. We should, by all means, be working to promote a progressive agenda with each and every candidate and to make the nominee as progressive as possible. But in the end, we are going to have to dedicate ourselves to electing the Democrat. To do otherwise is a luxury we cannot afford. I look forward to our campaign for a universal health care plan or a real education bill or labor law reform. We cannot even have that conversation now. We are trying to hang on by our fingernails to what we have now. And we are losing.
-- Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (Democrat from Illinois, just north of Chicago)
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