Tuesday, June 24, 2003

You may have noticed over the course of my blog in the recent months that I've often quoted or talked about different Democratic candidates for president. I haven't chosen sides yet and am happy to prop up most of them. There's nine (9) of them if you didn't know, and possibly a few more may enter the race soon. I like most of them, some more than others, some less, some are my favs, some I don't like at all. But I'm not ready to commit to anyone yet and don't feel the need to do so yet. I would say at this time though, my favs are Kerry, Dean, and Graham. Close behind are Edwards, Gephardt, and (would love it if it were possible but recognize it won't happen) Moseley-Braun. And the ones I don't like at all at Lieberman, Kucinich, and Sharpton; each of them are wrong and bad for their own respective reason. Regardless, any of the nine are better than Bush and that's the goal. So that's my two cents. For now. Things can change. But what won't change is my strong desire to do everything possible to Defeat Bush in 2004. Just in case you were wondering.


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