I got into an argument with someone today. I never do that. Really, honestly, I just don't usually talk to people who I disagree with. Generally, if someone says something I disagree with I'll either say something like "well, who knows" or "we'll see" or something similarly noncommittal and then walk away or move on. I just don't want or feel interest in arguing with someone, especially when we're bound to not convince each other of anything. Some of you may be surprised by that, knowing what I say on my website, but really my website is my venting service and while I can put my thoughts and frustrations out there, I don't have to argue with anyone I don't want to. Arguing is just not my thing.
All that being said, I got into a bit of one today. I was walking around at a street festival registering voters and walked by a booth by activists against the over-crowded prison system. Sounds cool, right? Well, I ask them if they're registered and they both smile at each other and then nod their heads "no." So I say that I have the forms and they can do it right then. And this hippie, holier-than-thou, all-know-it, liberal-fascist woman starts railing into me about how she is against the whole system and how none of the parties are worth anything and they're all the same and that I'm just a cog in a broken system and that she avoids the whole thing because she's not going to dirty herself with it and she'll never vote. So I brought up "Bush vs. Gore" and whether she thought things wouldn't be better under a Gore administration for the environment, for women's rights, for better judicial appointments who aren't right-wing nuts, and so on. And she said that it wouldn't matter. They're all the same she said. Well, that just angers me to no end. I'd rather deal with people who are completely disengaged than people who willfully disengage for insipid ideological reasons. And she's sitting at a booth trying to get people to sign her petition against the prison system!
So I said to her about her petition that the biggest voice politicians hear is the one at the voting booth and she's all like "I make my voice heard, definitely" and we have a meeting with Senator so-and-so about the prison system and we're making a difference and blah blah blah. And I was talking about how we get politicians who can help us voice our concerns about the prison system and whatnot by voting for politicians with positions that can help and she was just annoying and we were arguing and arguing. Ugh, then I just walked away. And she had the nerve to still want me to sign her petition! No thanks. No thanks at all. Stupidhead! (A few minutes later I called her that, in my mind, after I walked away. Because similar to Marge Simpson I can never think of the right thing to say about meanie-beenies until five minutes later and it usually involves name-calling because I'm mad.) Like I said, I don't like to argue.
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