I've had the strangest week, in fact in retrospect it was probably a terrible week. This virus, relating to my leg pain, became a very congestive cold along with major exhaustion. I've been sleeping constantly; I can't believe a week has gone by. I blew two interviews because I was simply so tired and "out of it." One job interview was for a great place, but two things weren't right: 1) I had the feeling the whole time that they already had someone else in mind and I simply wasn't connecting with them; 2) I started feeling the cold coming on and I wasn't connecting with anything. The other informational interview was awful in that I was barely alive and upon finishing I went home and slept for 5 hours. Pretty bad.
So the leg pain has been better since I've been on the drugs, but the cold and exhaustion have been terrible. I don't know what is going on with this virus but it sucks. Then, to blow my interviews, to have a new month begin still unemployed and nothing going on, and the weather turning cloudy and gray, well, it hasn't been the best of weeks. But then I've slept most of it, so it kinda flew by.
Two good things happened though: 1) Woodja sent me the movie and soundtrack to "Isle of Lesbos" which has now become the background soundtrack to my life and kept my spirits up; and 2) I borrowed the book "Tales of the City" from the library and started reading it yesterday (I'm reading a book! I never read books, although this book really started out as a newspaper serial, so it works with my quick read mentality. I read 100 pages yesterday at a cafe while nursing a cup of coffee and getting fresh air. And it made me love San Francisco even more. I love this City and I love living here.)
So, anyway, here's hoping this new week brings forth better health, life, job prospects, and such.
UPDATE: It's midnight Sunday night and I've just finished off the first book of the "Tales of the City" series. No, seriously, I finished a book. In just a weekend! I can't ever seem to get myself to read books, let alone so much in one time. I'm so excited about this. I have time and interest in reading books! And I want to read more. Books. I know this may seem silly, but I've never been able to concentrate on a full book long enough. I get distracted. So reading a b-o-o-k, even if it is in serial form of sorts, is so enriching to me right now. Not having a job sucks, but it's doing wonders for my soul and blessing my l-i-f-e!
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