Tuesday, September 23, 2003

so my rheumotologist called today, the specialist i've been seeing about my mysterious illness i've had all summer. he had gotten my message about friday night's episode and had me go over the details with him on the phone. he's determined that i suffered a serious bout with vertigo and that it isn't related to my mysterious illness. it's hard to know what's right and wrong anymore. i do know that i felt mostly fine over the weekend and since, except for some sleepiness and that involved lots of napping. i certainly don't want to experience friday night's episode again and hopefully i won't. it's all just too weird and continually mysterious to me. i do appreciate the thoughts and concerns ya'll have expressed. i think Jessie put it best by simply writing on my birthday card: 'happy birthday, don't die'. ah, sweeter words were never spoken.


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