Saturday, January 17, 2004

This is my family, series
This is my grandfather

Deems his family priority number one
Cares about every little thing more then he lets on
Wants everything in its place
Redecorates the Christmas tree after the women have finished, just to get it perfect
Stuffs secret presents into the stockings
Sings secret songs hidden on recorders for the family to find one day
Whistles and sings and hums and muses
Sings old-time songs that evoke characters in your head
Taught everyone how to fish
Took the grandkids off on weeklong fishing trips to the Ozarks because he loved it and loved them
Cleaned the caught fish for everyone
Understood when his eldest male grandchild didn't want to learn how to clean a fish
Laughed when he said, "Eww! I don't want to learn how. That's what Grandpa's are for."
Didn't judge him for being who he was
Fixes cars and appliances and leaks and toilets and gutters and yards and more
Whistles all the while
Surprised his grandson with his love and understanding after he came out as Gay
Still hugs him today, years later, nothing's changed
OK's his wife to go on separate vacations to visit the grandchildren, even when she doesn't think he will let her go
Misses her terribly while she's gone
Wants the exact driving directions of his daughter's road trips so he can follow along while she's away
Enjoys hearing about all the travels and trips of the family
Happy to stay in his recliner the rest of the day
Snoozes off and on through his favorite old westerns, old movies, old tv movies, and Matlock episodes
Awakens happy to see his home and family still around
Worries and stresses so much about his family that his heart hurts
Hides his own internal pain
Doesn't want anyone knowing he has weaknesses too
Listens to his wife and daughter even while pretending not to
Advises and guides his family's members with love and respect
Dreams of winning the lottery and building adjoining houses for every member of the family
Loves his family
This is my grandfather


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