Monday, March 01, 2004

So remember when I said that I've sstarted as the new Editor for the Newsletter of the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club? Well, I finished my first newsletter, but it's not up on the site yet. Mostly we're doing it by email, but there's still many who get a hard printed copy in the mail, so this weekend I was busy copying, printing, labeling, stamping, and mailing said newsletter. FYI, below is my introduction piece:

"Welcome to the new Dawn"
by Acting Newsletter Editor Reese Aaron Isbell, M.P.P.

'Dawn’ sounds a bit strong for the beginning of my role as Alice Newsletter Editor, and I certainly do not mean to create a self-importance to myself as such, but I do mean ‘dawn’ in the sense that so much of life is historic and monumental right now. And as I take new steps in my own life, and a new role with Alice, I recognize the overall changes also occurring throughout the City and the nation.

When I was first approached to take over editing of the newsletter, I immediately said ‘No.’ But I promised I’d think about it. And I thought. I realized that this is an amazing year to be doing so. 2004 is what I often refer to as the Fantastic ’04. And so far it has not disappointed. With same-sex couples being officially married at City Hall, what better way to start off a new year, and to begin the new Dawn in our struggle for equality and respect.

2004 also brings us incredibly important elections—a right-wing Republican to oust from the White House, a liberal Democrat to re-elect to the U.S. Senate, among many others. What better year to write about politics?

So with these thoughts, I begin my new role with you, the Alice reader. I’m going to create new pieces for the newsletter and look forward to hearing from you on how you feel about them. I’m beginning a Letters to the Editor section for an open forum from fellow Alice members on issues of the day. I’m also working to create a space for our elected officials to offer their thoughts directly to Alice via this newsletter. Finally, I’ll be including the latest headlines from around the nation in each newsletter for you to find articles of interest to us each month. I hope you like the changes and look forward to reading the newsletter each month.

Now, quickly, and very briefly, a little about me. I come to you from Kansas City, Missouri originally where I knew John Ashcroft as my own Governor and Senator before the rest of the world was paying attention to him. I’ve seen evil and his name is Ashcroft. I got my start in political activism by coming out and then getting my first job at my local Planned Parenthood. After getting a Masters in Public Policy in New Jersey, I lived in Washington, DC for four years handling state legislation for the national group Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Then, in 1999, I made my pilgrimage to San Francisco where I could L-I-V-E. I had no friends, no job, no money, no structure. But San Francisco was my new home, and I loved it. I found Alice through my new boss and friend Robert Barnes, and the rest is history. There ya go, enough about me.

Here we are, at the Dawn of a new year, the Dawn of a new place for our GLBT movement, the Dawn of a new Mayor for our City (and Alice should be oh-so-proud of its role in his election!), and the Dawn of a new national electoral season. Are you ready for the light and heat and wonder of this new sun? Get yourself ready for a rockin’ good time and an awesome year, and I’ll see you next month. Welcome to the new Dawn.


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