Thursday, July 08, 2004

My parents are crazy hiking people. They love to go as far as they can, in just their hiking boots and camera. Yesterday, as we standing along the rim of a thousand mile drop to crater lake, they would find a "path" that didn't exist, just beyond the security gates, just above the freefall point and take a picture or two. "It's fine, Reese, c'mon." Uh, huh, ok. I'm glad that I brought my xanax with me on the trip. It's not that this isn't anything I'm not used to, as they always were this way when I was growing up, but I'm older, more knowledgeable about news stories where people have done stupid climbs and fallen and died, and I have higher rates of anxiety. They haven't changed; I have.

p.s. Wen, you're daughter is fine. :)


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