Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The headline for the day: Cheney breaks rank on same-sex marriage; Vice president refers to daughter as lesbian publicly for 1st time

The reality: don't trust anything he says. this is just part of an overall ploy, right around convention time, to make him and bush and the republicans look moderate. the whole point of their upcoming convention is to 'moderate' their message. this is part of that. it's calculated. they don't take questions from the audience that aren't planned in advance. they don't come up with answers and statements that aren't planned in advance. they know they are losing moderates. they know that they want the convention to put out a moderate face. this is the beginning of a long line of 'moderate' image-makeovers that we're going to see in the next few weeks and beyond.

don't believe the hype! yeah, it's good to hear nice things, but his policies and activities are what count and he is diametrically opposed to our wellbeing. and it's completely opposite of what their policies have been for the last four years. he and the administration and the republicans have been pushing the constitutional amendment, have been pushing state constitutional amendments, supported stridently the archaic discriminatory sodomy laws in the states, have been working against equality every chance they get, are ready to do whatever they can to never let us gain any sense of equality. they are opposed to us.

i've said this before and i'll say it again, don't believe the hype. THEY LIE all the time. this is a calculated stunt a few months before the election. nothing more.


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