Friday, September 03, 2004

reese's world is 4 years old now

as always, it would not exist if not for jessie. after 4 years i've learned a little bit about this website, html, computer, tech stuff, and i'm proud of what i can do, but i'm still very naive and ignorant about much of it. thanks to jessie and others who've helped me move forward with it all.

you know, i've been thinking about what the site gives me for a while now. having a blog provides an outlet for me to rant of course, which is helpful because i'm not very good at ranting in person. it gives me an opportunity to pull together cool thoughts or sayings or quotes that i like from things i read. it allows me to discuss issues with people who comment or write me.

but most of all, i enjoy it because it allows me to be more open with people, something i'm not very good at in person. it's much easier to say something heartfelt and deep, even sad or emotional, on here than in real life. i can also express anger on here which i find very difficult in person.

additionally, i feel like blogging has helped me to grow as a writer-- just even to think of myself as a writer is a growth in itself because of this blog. editing the newsletter i work on came together in part because i realized i had things to say. and that i had a voice.

so, again, thank you to jessie for starting me on this venture. and thank you to all of you who venture in and out of reese's world from time to time. here's to another year.


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