Friday, October 15, 2004

I love this press release: "Cheney/Kerry Controversy: There's Nothing Wrong with Being a Lesbian; A Statement by Matt Foreman, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director"

Enough. For the last two days, the Bush/Cheney campaign has succeeded - yet again - in using a gay matter to distract voters from the real issues facing our nation.
Simply put, there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, let alone saying that an out lesbian is a lesbian. It wasn't a story in the first place, and continued focus on it is insulting to any thinking person.
Can we talk about something real, not the patently bogus hurt and anger of Dick and Lynne Cheney? After all, for the last 18 months, these folks have supported using gay people and our families as a wedge to divide the electorate. They have not said one word while their allies have aggressively pushed the "Federal Marriage Amendment" on the grounds that allowing couples like their daughter and her partner to marry would undermine Western civilization. Not a peep when it was revealed that the GOP is paying for egregiously anti-gay campaign mailings in at least two states. Not a whisper while their buddies in the religious and political right have engaged in an unprecedented, national campaign of fear-mongering and demonizing of gay people. Now, they're offended? Come on.
Folks, let's move on.


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