Friday, October 29, 2004

que surprise

4 days before the election day and osama bin laden's on a tape again. and he's saying bush has been a disaster. what better way for bush to link up osama and kerry since they're both again bush now. plus it puts terrorism back on the front page. whatever. when really was this tape made? is this a real tape? i don't trust anyone from the republicans and wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be part of an election trick. if it's real, well then, we have a white house that has never gotten the person they said they would for september 11 and he's obviously well taken care of now. how's that for defeating terrorism?

either way, it all feels like we're being played right before the election. whatever happens, kerry is gonna win on tuesday and bush and repubs are running scared and pulling out anything and everything to try to stop it. but they're run out of tricks this time, because we're onto their game. we're winning big on tuesday and putting this madness behind us. and once we have a real president, perhaps we can finally catch that madman too.


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