Thursday, October 20, 2005

i can be a little slow when it comes to technology. not only slow in the sense of intelligence, but also in catching up to modern trends in technology. S-L-O-W.

back when i was much younger and the CD was just coming out, i not only hugged my tapes a little tighter, but i railed against the CD to my friends. 'this is just another way for the music industry to rip us off!' 'what's the CD got that my good ol' tapes don't have?!' i loved my tapes. 'does this mean i'll have to get some kind of extra CD-transporter for my car?' 'more money out my pocket for the same songs'

a few years later, i broke down (broke is an appropriate word) and purchased my first CD player. the year was 1992 and i haven't been back to tapes since. i LOVE CD's now. i mean, tapes? i don't even consider the albums i have on tape as albums i own anymore. i have to re-get them now on CD if i really love them. but underneath it all i still whine about all the money going out the window just to have the same things i already had and how the music industry is ripping us off. but i've already said that.

the same thing happened around the mid-90's with me and turning my 'walkman' into a 'CD walkman'

in the late 90's and early '00's, as DVD's were becoming fashionable, i railed similarly about how the movie industry was ripping us off by making us by the same videos over again, and making us purchase a whole new device (that 'doesn't even record!') after a year or so of jessie and others telling me know behind the times i was and how DVD's were awesome, i finally 'broke' down and purchased a DVD player. and, now, well, here we are again, and DVD's are awesome and i can't go back to tapes (although they do record, baby) and DVD's do come with so much more and i can get whole series on DVD and all that. yes, i love the DVD. but there's a part of me that still rails against the industry in how it's ripping us all off.

so here we are. it's 2005, late 2005, and i'm at that point again. the point where i'm about to catch up with modern trends in technology. yes, i want an IPod. i've been thinking about it lately and it's hit me hard. i hadn't cared for one before. i mean, i have my 'CD walkman' so why would i need an IPod? it's just another way to rip us off! and i already pretty much have the same stuff, so it's just taking money away from me for an industry that i already purchased stuff from. but, well, you know... so here we are, and i want an IPod, and jessie and chris have been helping me figure out this bizarre tech world of IPod's that i don't understand, and which i'm sure i'll love later. i've been thinking a lot about IPod's lately because i've been doing all this precinct walking for campaigns for the election coming up and, well, an IPod would be a lot simpler to carry around than my 'CD walkman' and all my CD's. yes, it would be simpler. plus it would be oh-so-cool. plus i would be catching up.

but i still can't shake the feeling that i'm being ripped off...


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