Thursday, November 17, 2005

yesterday was the 18th birthday of an intern in our office. for her birthday, we walked her over to the Elections Department at City Hall and registered her to vote. what a cute exciting moment in her history and what a good way to make it fun. and we did have fun.

while we were walking her over, we discussed when we each registered to vote for the first time. and i can't remember. back when i was 18 i wasn't political at all and didn't know anything about anything along those lines. i know i registered at that age because i remember voting for my very first time a few months later in november of 1988 in the presidential election. i know i registered mostly because it was part of civil responsibility and my family was all about civil responsibility and they always voted, no matter how unpolitical they are/were. and i appreciate that greatly about my family and my parents and grandparents.

i was so unpolitical at the time i didn't know what i was doing in the voting booth, although i happily know that i voted for Dukakis rather than Bush I in 1988, but solely for personal reasons of dislike for Bush I rather than any policy issues or whatnot. i didn't start getting political or interested in policy matters until i Came Out in college and started understanding the realities of politics and the needs for being involved for myself and for the world.

anyway, walking with her to register her to vote for the first time was a great experience, even if it may seem a minor one. she's on the path of a long-road of public involvement and she will be a terrific participant. i'm in the midst of my participation and do what i can to make the most of it. i hope all my readers can and do what they can to participate in our social and political process, and thank you for your activities. (and if you're not registered in your state, register to vote through this informational link.) a simple moment in time can make such a difference in all of our lives.

do you remember your first time registering and/or voting? share your story.


At November 17, 2005 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally remember the first time I registered to vote! My dad was running for office in a local election and I was excited to register so I could vote for him. I had to vote absentee because I was going to a 4-H conference during the primary. I remember going to the courthouse (in the middle of the town square) and casting my ballot.

All through college I always voted absentee and helped my friends with their absentee ballots.

I have hardly had a gap in my registration ever since. I have a nearly 100% voting record--maybe missed 3-4 small local elections.

In the words of Harry S Truman:"It's not the hand that signs the laws that holds
the destiny of America.
It's the hand that casts the ballot."


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