Tuesday, February 14, 2006

our first post from Ariana, our great Woman of the World, from her new post in the Peace Corps in Ecuador is here!

"Hola! Just wanted to send a quick email to let you know that I am safe and sound here in Ecuador. I got here on Wednesday night and just about immediately loved the country. The people are super friendly and nice, and don´t laugh at my attempts to speak Spanish. When we got off the plane, there was a crowd waiting for our flight and everyone just waved at us. THen the current Peace Corps volunteers greeted us with cheers and flowers. It was a little overwhelming as all these people were yelling at me and taking my luggage and I was a little confused. Also, I immediately embarassed myself when greeting one of the staff. She kissed one of my cheeks and I thought I was in France for some reason and tried to kiss her other cheek, and she said, no un beso!

"Anyway, I really like our group. THere are 35 of us, and everyone is about my age. THere is one married couple, 3 returned peace corps volunteers, and i think the oldest person is about 35. THere are a bunch of san diegans, some midwesterns, and most importantly, 2 other Wilco fans. I really like them and they are going to be my friends =) One of them is even going to be at my site for the next 10 weeks (we are split into groups of 4-5 for community based training). Also, there is another girl who is half-Asian (Japanese), a herpetologist (she likes snakes and lizards), from San Diego, and she also has a boyfriend back home. THere are 4 other girls who also have boyfriends back home, so that´s nice.

"I am pretty excited about being here. I am almost too excited to type, so sorry if this message isn´t very eloquent. Oh, and they said that during training, mail call is a big deal, like in the military, so please send me many letters!

"I have gotten over my shyness and nervousness, and I have been trying out my Spanish around Cayambe (a town north of QUito where we are doing group training). Usually I try to say something and then another volunteer has to rescue me, but I have been figuring stuff out, and I have been helpful to other, shyer volunteers. And I am getting most of what is being said to me in Spanish. Oh, and we took our language placemetn tests yesterday and I am the novice level, but I am advanced novice, which i think is pretty accurate. THe facilitator told me that I have good vocabulary and good pronunciation, but i need to work on my verb tenses. That is not surprising. I have to reach intermediate intermediate level but the end of training, so that is only two levels, so it shouldn´t be too bad. My language instructor doesn´t speak much English, so I won´t be able to cheat during class.

"Anyway, I am doing well. I do have my moments of apprehension when I wonder what am I doing here, but then I meet more people, or talk to another volunteer, or see more of the beautiful countryside, and i remember how lucky I am to be here, and I am so eager to share this country with the rest of you!

"Lastly, I think I might get a cell phone, depending on my site. Some of the other volunteers have them, and it sounds like a good deal. Just $30 for the phone, and then I buy cards to make international calls. No monthly fees, and I can take incoming calls for free. So buy some phone cards!

"Okay, I have to go back for dinner. THe internet cafes are really cheap, only $.50 for an hour! SOme of the other volunteers just came in, and one got water dumped on him. IT is a carnaval tradition here. Hopefully that won´t happen to me!



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