"I know I have not been a very good blogger, and as usual, I am way behind on email. But I am trying to catch up! I can only check my email once or twice a week, and then I usually have to deal with work emails too. But I will get around to responding, because I love getting emails and updates from everyone...
"Other important things: my mother found a really cheap airline, Copa airlines (http://www.copaair.com/) which has flights between Quito and some cities (like NY and LA) for only $500 or less! The only inconvenience is that you have to stop in Panama, i think. But it´s a bargain!
"I recently got a frig, and one or maybe two cats. Plus I moved into a new place which has a sink and running water, most of the time. I have a newfound appreciation for running water and sinks after living without those conveniences for 6 weeks!
"I am working on some projects, but still struggling with my Spanish, so I am focusing on studying Spanish now. Other than that, I´ve been having many other adventures, like getting amoebas, watching howler monkeys, and swimming across a river fully clothed and with my hiking boots still on. I am also learning I need to censor myself, because I talk with the other Peace Corps volunteers about worms and parasites and other gross health problems more than most people would want to hear. So just tell me to shut up if you don´t want to hear about certain things!
"Okay, thanks for all your support, emails, packages, and letters! And don´t believe what you might hear from certain people, I am not on a two year vacation. I am working very hard, all the time =)
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