Thursday, August 24, 2006

it's been a pretty wild week work-wise. i was briefly mentioned in this article which sort of describes a major debate this week of which i was an integral part. see for yourself, but there's much more involved than even this article portrays... anyway, pretty wild work-week


At August 25, 2006 8:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the kind of BS that I don't miss. The Fairmont was always a HUGE issue in the East Bay. We had a staff retreat there b/c we didn't know about the boycott--we caught a lot of grief about it. When we were planning events it was always a big deal abuot NOT having it there. Congrats on getting mentioned~

At August 25, 2006 8:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the kind of BS that I don't miss. The Fairmont was always a HUGE issue in the East Bay. We had a staff retreat there b/c we didn't know about the boycott--we caught a lot of grief about it. When we were planning events it was always a big deal abuot NOT having it there. Congrats on getting mentioned~


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