Saturday, December 09, 2006

last night jessie and justin and i went to see a three-part dolly parton film festival last night at the castro theater. what could be more fun? actually, the only one of the three movies i had seen before was 9to5 which was just oh-so-much fun to watch on the big screen again. anyway, the first movie of the three was 'the best little whorehouse in texas' which i had never seen. i remembered it from when i was a kid, but i'm sure my parents thought it too racy for me to have seen at that time. and it was pretty racy, and frankly a terrible movie. but sorta terrible in a good way and fun to just laugh at how bad it was, how gay it was, and how crazy those times were.

anyway, the point of this whole story is that all night and today the one thing i kept thinking about was how much fun charles durning was in the movie. he was only in it for a very brief time, but his music number was just so brilliant and he was so funny. and then today i'm looking him up and i find out he received an oscar nom for the role and it makes total sense. he stole the movie with one very bit part.

but all that's not to take away from the wonder of dolly. she's just wonderful and you always feel like you're just at home with her anytime she's around.


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