Monday, February 26, 2007

i can't watch awards shows. too boring, too long, too annoying, too stupid, too many lame jokes, and i can just read about it in the morning. so that's what i do. but i did watch a bit of last night's oscars, if only to see Melissa Etheridge sing and then win. unfortunately, they weren't at the same time, so i had to keep flipping back to the awards show while doing other things, but happily i got to see both. and what a treat. she kissed her wife, she thanked her wife and kids, and then everyone moved on. totally regular normal stuff. as it should be. but obviously we've not seen that before in that type of situation. and 11 billion people saw that. and the news today doesn't even mention it because it's not important. and that's just it. it's not important and it is important at the same time. it's not important because it should be just as every other winner thanking their spouse and kissing them. but it is important because we rarely get to see people so openly queer in public, let alone on television, being so openly queer. and 11 billion people never get to see such obviously simple, yet loving and normal, relationships outside of hanging out at a gay bar somewhere in the world. let's hear it for Melissa today. she's my current favorite hero. i'm listening to her on my ipod all day today


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