Thursday, November 29, 2007

new column:

"Making a Choice"

I'll be honest. I am so not focused on the presidential primary. I want to be. I do care greatly. But I think I'm simply of the mind of preparing to support whoever wins the primary that I can't seem to get my mind around fighting within the primary.

I kinda sense that feeling among the greater public around the country. Even among independents around the country. I think the country is ready for whatever Democrat to come out next year and be strong and win handily next November. Our country is restless to get Bush out and get a Democrat in, as well as put more Democrats in the Senate and House and throughout elections down ballot.

This is all wonderful and good for us Democrats. You can feel the wind blowing in that direction. And you can see the polls and analyses that showcase these facts. And you can witness the growing number of Republicans retiring around the country that emphasize the fact that they can see these writings on the wall too.

That said, we still have lots of work to do and winning next November is never a given. And of course, we need to make a primary choice for president, and soon.

So what to do? I can't decide. I see positives and negatives about each of the leading contenders for president. There are so many historic and wondrous candidacies. Isn't this an exciting time in our party? I'm excited about each of the presidential candidates.

And I also worry about each of them. I simply don't know which one is the right one at this point. And I find it harder and harder to make a choice, rather than easier. I think I know where I'm leaning one day, just to lean a little differently the next.

I don't have an answer here. And I don't need people to lobby me one way or another. I will figure it out soon. I just wish for the time to get past the primary and move on to full commitment to the general.

That said, I, and we, have a choice to make. And it's nearly time to make that choice. Whatever you and I decide, and the country decides, I know that we have an exciting and wondrous Democratic year ahead of us and I look forward to being a part of it. On to victory!


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