Sunday, March 30, 2008

what a weekend!!! probably one of the most intense, exciting, crazy, overwhelming political times of my life. and of many others' lifetimes. the politics at the state Democratic Party convention this weekend was wild. my boss and our crew supporting him were amazing! and his opponent, who had pulled out all of the stops, all the might of incumbency (behind and in front of the scenes) that could be mustered (and they were formidable), were beaten back by our little ragtag team of supporters who worked the halls of the convention like nobody's business.

and in the end, when we were able to take the vote to the full floor of the convention (instead of just within the small local process that was so heavily tied to old-time party bosses) and bring it before the full delegation of Democrats from throughout the state, we prevailed overwhelmingly. i'm exhausted and exhilarated and overwhelmed. but this is a day to remember and rejoice for many many years to come. here's a story or two that give some sort of synopsis of what happened. i'm sure there will be more to come:
here, here, here, here, and here


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